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I went to an orientation yesterday, specific to the people who were accepted to the IandIT (Information and Information Technology) stream. The first speaker of the day was actually the CIO of Ontario, Greg Georgeff, which was kinda cool. After all, how many CIO’s of large corporations take their time to meet and talk to the new recruits? He seemed like a visionary, and knows where he’s taking the IT initiative in Ontario Government. Considering he’s leading the IT department of an organization comparable to a huge private organization (then again, which private organization has 60, 000+ employees), it was quite fulfilling to have him meet and talk to a group of 20 of us.

I found out that there will be plenty of opportunities to move around within the government, experience different facets of IT and even business, and really grow up. I find this fascinating, as it is almost impossible to do the same thing in a private corporate world.

It’s also great to know that the Ontario government is one of the leaders in e-government, utilizing technology in almost every facet of service, and it uses leading edge technology in its implementation.

There will be a showcase of how the government of Ontario uses all these technologies within their scope of work at Showcase Ontario 2004. It will be great, as there will be lots of workshops, labs and conferences featuring many of the technologies that we use / apply. So, come up and register, it’s free for us government employees, not sure about the public, but I can assure you it’s gonna be a great showcase event.

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