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I received a letter in the mail from York University last Friday. It’s basically a letter to graduates of the Comp Sci program, asking us to put our records online and also to put in comments on how the program has impacted our lives after university.

Well, to be honest, I didn’t really benefit from a York degree. Most of the stuff I learnt (humanities, social sciences etc.) were pretty useless. The only really useful courses that I took (RDBMS, OOP, Networks) could have taken me only 1 semester in a technical college or even at night school. Instead I wasted 3 years of my life in university.

I found out that after graduating from York, finding a job wasn’t easy at all. Within 3 years after graduating, I had to take 2 low paying jobs (
So I posted what I thought about a York degree (not much), thinking that I’d probably be the only guy who would dare do so on the site. Little did I know that many people thought the same as me :) Check it out here (click on the comments button at the very bottom of the page).

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 275 user reviews.

I’ve been trying to install dotText, a .NET based blogging tool created by Scott Watermasysk.

I found it easy to install on my own computer for testing, but impossible to configure on my web hosting provider. Not sure what I’m doing wrong at all, I’ve used the same web.config as on my machine (with server values changed of course), and yet dotText refuses to work.

I’ve posted my problem here. If anyone can help me it’d be greatly appreciated.

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 259 user reviews.

Oh wow, that was one hectic week. We had to move out of the house while it was being painted for a couple of days, and when all was clear, had to clean up a huge mess and put back all the furniture and stuff.

That took a lot out of me. Probably the only time I’d ever paint where I live as long as I live.

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 263 user reviews.

Ahahahah… this is sooo funny. I read the User Friendly Comic Strip every day. The comic strips are hillarious.

Today’s made me laugh quite a bit :)
June 1 2004 Comic Strip – The Daily Static

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 270 user reviews.

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