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Yahoo! and Alibaba join forces
Seems like everybody’s trying to get into the lucrative Chinese market.

Microsoft at LinuxWorld
Good to see that Microsoft is reaching out more and more towards the *Nix community, but the speaker must’ve felt like a fish trapped in the middle of a million seagulls.

Weird product of the day: Liquid Ass
OMG, just when I thought that WiFi accelerator spray was out of this world, this comes up. It’s kinda repulsive, but just proves to you people have the weirdest ideas.

Waterproof mouse
Yay! Now if only someone would create a waterproof PC, keyboard, monitor and printer, I’d be able to wash my computer with a hose every now and then )

Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 155 user reviews.

Largest spammer in the world sued by Microsoft
Well, that’s approximately $180, 000 per 1 spam email sent ) If they can regularly sue these spammers, we should be free of spam in no time.

Students steal lots of software
Interesting isn’t it how most computer science students would be mad as hell if someone steals their work, and yet most of them realize they’re doing it to someone else.

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 295 user reviews.

Improve your wi-fi speed
Unbelievable, it seems that nowadays people can make money off almost anything and everything.

Oil hits high at $64.27 a barrel, dropped down a bit since
Anybody think prices can stabilize anytime soon?

Space Shuttle Discovery back home
Welcome back guys, glad you made it home safely.

PS3 and XBox 360 to be very cheap … NOT !!!
Ouch, and yet people will still rush out to buy these things. I’m a fan of video games, but I’m also a fan of having money left in my pocket to feed the family.

Google gives CNET the cold shoulder
So, if you try Google some higher ups at Google, be very very afraid.

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 275 user reviews.

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